Roasted Mediterranean Veggies Base Clyde Eggplant)
Keeps refridgerated for - Days
Hack 1
Prepare every 3 days
Hack 2
Use in omelettes & wraps.
Prep Time:
10 min
Serving Size:
4 cups
Cooking Time:
10 min
Keeps refridgerated for - Days
Hack 1
Hack 2
Prep Time:
10 min
Serving Size:
4 cups
Cooking Time:
10 min
Prepare every 3 days
Use in omelettes & wraps.
2 quartered onions
1/4 teaspoon pepper
3 sprigs fresh oregano
2 eggplant
2 garlic cloves, mashed
2 red bell pepper, large diced
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
Cut the eggplant into slices 1/4 to 1/2 inch long or wide depending on your preference. Add 1 teaspoon salt, set aside 5-10 minutes, rinse with water and dry with paper towels.
Place all vegetables in a bowl and add the garlic, the herbs, salt, pepper and mix. Sprinkle olive oil and mix again.
Transfer to one or two baking sheets; arrange them in one layer.
Preheat the oven to broil.
Broil for 5 minutes approx. 2 to 3 inches from your heat coil. (10 cm)
Bake for 7 minutes approx. at 425°F.
Remove from oven. To serve, sprinklewith the left-over tablespoon of olive oil.