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Eat & Lose Weight
Herbed Lowfat Yogurt Sole
Chef Pachi
Herbed Lowfat Yogurt Sole
Herbed Lowfat Yogurt Sole
Herbed Lowfat Yogurt Sole
Keeps refridgerated for - Days
Hack 1
Evening Meal Special
Hack 2
Quick Fast!
Prep Time:
2 min
Serving Size:
1 filet w/ half sauce
Cooking Time:
3 min
Keeps refridgerated for - Days
Hack 1
Hack 2
Prep Time:
2 min
Serving Size:
1 filet w/ half sauce
Cooking Time:
3 min
Evening Meal Special
Quick Fast!
  • Two-6-ounce sole filets, boneless
  • 1 tablespoon Creamy Pesto or commercial pesto
  • Creamy Pesto Sauce (pg. 61)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • ½ cup plain liquid yogurt
  • ½ teaspoon cornstarch
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • *Pesto
  • 16 oz yogurt
  • 5 oz pesto
  • Rub filets with pesto, salt and pepper.
  • Mix Yogurt (Dairy or Vegan) pesto, cornstarch, salt and pepper in a small bowl.
  • In an oiled sauté pan or panini type grill, cook filets 2 minutes on each side. Pour Yogurt (Dairy or Vegan), bring to a boil, about 1 minute and serve.
Daily Percentage of DRI in a calorie diet.
Herbed Lowfat Yogurt Sole
% Protein
% Fat
% Carb
% Total Calories
Diet Claims
Gluten Free
Macronutrient Profile
Category contains: PROTEIN
Velocity of sugars: SLOW
Contains more grams of: PROTEIN
Contains more calories of: FAT
Daily Percentage of DRI in a calorie diet.
Diet Claims
Gluten Free
% Protein
% Fat
% Carb
% Total Calories