Print Recipe
Eat & Lose Weight
Cornish hens spiced w/o 1 w skin
Chef Pachi
Cornish hens spiced w/o  1 w skin
Cornish hens spiced w/o  1 w skin
Cornish hens spiced w/o  1 w skin
Keeps refridgerated for - Days
Hack 1
Easy & Fast Freezable food
Hack 2
Defrost under runing water, 10 m.
Prep Time:
10 min
Serving Size:
1 1/4 hen
Cooking Time:
45 min
Keeps refridgerated for - Days
Hack 1
Hack 2
Prep Time:
10 min
Serving Size:
1 1/4 hen
Cooking Time:
45 min
Easy & Fast Freezable food
Defrost under runing water, 10 m.
  • 2 cornish hens
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoon cocoa
  • 2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoon honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • Separate the skin from the breast of the hens by pushing it with your thumb. Mix garlic, thyme, Garam Marsala, salt and pepper in a bowl and rub under the skin and all over outside. Refrigerate 20 minutes.
  • Prepare the sauce.
  • Bake in a preheated 375°F oven until it reaches an internal temp of 165°F. (approx. 30 min).
  • Cover with foil and set aside for 10 minutes. Serve with Spicy Squash Sauce (pg. 68).
  • Remove the skin before serving. Serve one per person, or cut in half and serve half per person.
Daily Percentage of DRI in a calorie diet.
Cornish hens spiced w/o  1 w skin
% Protein
% Fat
% Carb
% Total Calories
Diet Claims
Gluten Free
Macronutrient Profile
Category contains: PROTEIN
Velocity of sugars: SLOW
Contains more grams of: PROTEIN
Contains more calories of: FAT
Daily Percentage of DRI in a calorie diet.
Diet Claims
Gluten Free
% Protein
% Fat
% Carb
% Total Calories